Evin Agassi diagnosed with ‘malignant brain tumor’

Yasmeen Altaji | July 16, 2o24 | Featured Image/Spotify via Evin Agassi)

Assyrian singer Evin Agassi has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, he and his family said Tuesday.

The family made the announcement on social media via Agassi’s own account and that of his son, music producer Brynner Agassi.

"On July 12, 2024, we received the unexpected and devastating news that Evin has an inoperable, large and malignant tumor in the left frontal lobe of the brain," the statement said. "With much regret and at the advisement of his medical care team, Evin is forced to take a mandatory hiatus from singing to focus his attention and energy on his health and upcoming treatment journey."

Agassi was set to perform at the Assyrian Aid Society's fundraising event, Mesopotamian Night, in California's Bay Area later this month before cancelling due to "unforeseen circumstances" days prior to sharing his diagnosis.

The Iranian-born Assyrian-American singer has released more than 20 albums over the course of his 50-year career, becoming a household name in the 1980s and 1990s.

“As we learn more about his condition and prognosis, we promise to keep our beloved community updated,” the statement read. “In the meantime, your well wishes and prayers are much needed and welcomed.”


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